Key Success Factors in Raising Awareness and Examining Sustainability within Clients

Raising awareness for sustainability within your clients

Leveraging sustainability can be a major driver for a company’s growth. And yet we see many companies today still lack awareness and interest in the topic, for example with many continuing to have a very blinkered image of what sustainability is and not clear on what the benefits of engaging with the topic are. We believe that a key role for a consultant is to initially awaken interest in the topic and motivate their clients to engage with sustainability.

In this course we will firstly jointly examine which of the companies in your network you should target first with your sustainability support services. We will also reflect on how you can go about structuring your conversation to successfully raise awareness and generate interest for them to embark on the sustainability journey jointly with you. In very hands-on interactive sessions, you will have the chance to apply frameworks and approaches to select whom you would like to address and help raise your confidence in speaking to clients about sustainability.

What will the programme look like?

This training course encompasses a mix of content presentations, discussions and very interactive break-out sessions, in which participants will apply the contents to specific cases.

In particular, this highly interactive training course covers:

  • Discussion on leveraging sustainability – Develop a common language on sustainability and sustainability-driven innovation, consider what your role as a consultant and value propositions can be in supporting your clients on the path to leveraging sustainability
  • Deep dive into the WHO and HOW when raising awareness – Reflect on selecting whom you would like to address with the topic of sustainability and how to go about structuring your conversation with them to successfully raise awareness and motivate
  • Practical introduction to IMP³ROVE tools and frameworks – Learn what tools, frameworks and approaches can be used when addressing and supporting your clients
  • Overview on the support offered by IMP³ROVE – Benefit from the help desk and coaching support the IMP³ROVE Academy provides to the business advisers

Who can take part in this course?

The training course is suitable for anyone seeking to develop or enhance skills in supporting companies to leverage sustainability. It is recommended that participants have taken part in the training “Introduction to Sustainability-Driven Innovation Management and Tools” beforehand, where the basic frameworks and definitions of the topic of sustainability are introduced and build a solid basis for further deep-dives. However, it is not a necessary pre-requisite in order to participate in this training course.